The following authors reviewed and condensed a vast amount of knowledge and literature for the 73 chapters in this edition of Present Knowledge in Nutrition.
The time and energy they dedicated to the book’s completion is recognized with deep appreciation.
Volume 1: Nutrients
Peter J. Aggett, MSc, FRCPCH, FRCP | Rylee T. Ahnen, MS | Tolunay Beker Aydemir, PhD |
Emeritus, University of Central Lancashire | University of Minnesota | Cornell University |
Preston | St. Paul, MN | Ithaca, NY |
United Kingdom | United States | United States |
Lynn B. Bailey, PhD | Lucien Bettendorff, PhD | William S. Blaner, PhD |
University of Georgia | University of Liège | Columbia University |
Athens, GA | Liège | New York |
United States | Belgium | United States |
Peggy Borum, PhD | Richard S. Bruno, PhD, RD | Philip C. Calder, PhD |
University of Florida | The Ohio State University | University of Southampton |
Gainesville, FL | Columbus, OH | Southampton |
United States | United States | United Kingdom |
Marie A. Caudill, PhD, RD | Samuel N. Cheuvront, PhD, RD, FACSM | Paul M. Coates, PhD |
Cornell University | Sports Cience Synergy, LLC | Office of Dietary Supplements, National Institutes of Health |
Ithaca, NY | Franklin, MA | Bethesda, MD |
United States | United States | United States |
James F. Collins, PhD | Rebecca B. Costello, PhD | Vanessa da Silva, PhD, RDN |
University of Florida | National Institutes of Health | University of Arizona |
Gainesville, FL | Bethesda, MD | Tucson, AZ |
United States | United States | United States |
Alan Mark Diamond, PhD | Guylaine Ferland, PhD | James C. Fleet, PhD |
University of Illinois Chicago | University of Montreal | Purdue University |
Chicago, IL | Montreal | West Lafayette, IN |
United States | Canada | United States |
Naomi K. Fukagawa, MD, PhD | Jesse F. Gregory III, PhD | Orlando M. Gutierrez, MD, MMSc |
USDA ARTS Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center | University of Florida | University of Alabama at Birmingham |
Beltsville, MD | Gainesville, FL | Birmingham, AL |
United States | United States | United States |
Carol J. Haggans, MS, RD | Lenny K. Hong, MS | Ian T. Johnson, BSc, PhD |
Office of Dietary Supplements, National Institutes of Health | University of Illinois Chicago | Quadram Institute Bioscience |
Bethesda, MD | Chicago, IL | Norwich |
United States | United States | United Kingdom |
Carol S. Johnston, PhD, RD | Peter J.H. Jones, PhD | Robert W. Kenefick, PhD, FACSM |
Arizona State University | University of Manitoba | Entrinsic Health Solutions, Inc. |
Phoenix, AZ | Winnipeg | Norwood, MA |
United States | Canada | United States |
James B. Kirkland, PhD | Vanessa A. Leone, PhD | Alice H. Lichtenstein, DSC |
University of Guelph | University of Wisconsin Madison | Tufts University |
Guelph, ON | Madison, WI | Medford, MA |
Canada | United States | United States |
Mark T. McAuley, PhD | Donald B. McCormick, PhD | Alfred H. Merrill, Jr., PhD |
University of Chester | Emory University | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Chester | Atlanta, GA | Atlanta, GA |
United Kingdom | United States | United States |
Alexa L. Meyer, PhD | Joshua W. Miller, PhD | Scott J. Montain, PhD, FACSM |
University of Vienna | Rutgers University | United States Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine |
Vienna | New Brunswick, NJ | Natick, MA |
Austria | United States | United States |
Rachel Mottet, MS | Forest H. Nielsen, PhD | Morrine Omolo, MSc |
University of Minnesota | USDA Grand Forks | University of Minnesota |
St. Paul, MN | Grand Forks, ND | St. Paul, MN |
United States | United States | United States |
William Todd Penberthy, PhD | Joseph F. Pierre, PhD | Harry G. Preuss, MD |
Continuing Medical Education | University of Tennessee Health Science Center | Georgetown University Medical Center |
Winter Park, FL | Memphis, TN | Washington, DC |
United States | United States | United States |
A. Rosanoff, PhD | Robert B. Rucker, PhD | Moon-Suhn Ryu, PhD |
The Center for Magnesium Education & Research | University of California Davis | University of Minnesota |
Pahoa, HI | Davis, CA | St. Paul, MN |
United States | United States | United States |
Mahrou Sadri, MS | Michael N. Sawka, PhD, FACSM | Sue A. Shapses, PhD, RDN |
University of Nebrasksa Lincoln | Georgia Institute of Technology | Rutgers University Department of Medicine |
Lincoln, NE | Atlanta, GA | New Brunswick, NJ |
United States | United States | United States |
Joanne Slavin, PhD, RDN | Sally P. Stabler, MD | Paul R. Thomas, EdD, RDN |
University of Minnesota | University of Colorado School of Medicine | Office of Dietary Supplements, National Institutes of Health |
Minneapolis, MN | Aurora, CO | Bethesda, MD |
United States | United States | United States |
Maret G. Traber, PhD | Isis Trujillo-Gonzalez, PhD | John B. Vincent, PhD |
Oregon State University | University of North Carolina Chapel Hill | University of Alabama |
Corvallis, OR | Chapel Hill, NC | Tuscaloosa, AL |
United States | United States | United States |
Johannes von Lintig, PhD | Connie M. Weaver, PhD | Allyson A. West, PhD, RD |
Case Western Reserve University | Weaver and Associates Consulting, LLC | Cornell University |
Cleveland, OH | West Lafayette, IN | Ithaca, NY |
United States | United States | United States |
Klaas R. Westerterp, PhD | Gary Williamson, PhD, FRSC, Rnutr | Parveen Yaqoob, Dphil |
Maastricht University | Monash University | University of Reading |
Maastricht | Melbourne, VIC | Reading |
The Netherlands | Australia | United Kingdom |
Yong-Ming Yu, MD, PhD | Steven H. Zeisel, MD, PhD | Janos Zempleni, PhD |
Shriners Hospital, Harvard | University of North Carolina Chapel Hill | University of Nebrasksa Lincoln |
Boston, MA | Chapel Hill, NC | Lincoln, NE |
United States | United States | United States |
Michael Zimmermann, MD | ||
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich | ||
Zurich | ||
Switzerland |
Volume 2: Clinical and Applied Topics
Ajibola Abioye, MD | Katherine Alaimo, PhD | Steve Anton, PhD |
Harvard University | Michigan State University | University of Florida College of Medicine |
Cambridge, MA | East Lansing, MI | Gainesville, FL |
United States | United States | United States |
E. Wayne Askew, PhD | Joseph Baumert, MS, PhD | Kirstine Bell, APD, CDE, PhD |
Department of Nutrition and Integrative Physiology, College of Health, University of Utah | University of Nebraska, Lincoln | University of Sydney |
Salt Lake City, UT | Lincoln, NE | Sydney, NSW |
United States | United States | Australia |
Jennie Brand-Miller, PhD | Louise Burke, PhD, OAM | Asta Bye, PhD |
University of Sydney | Australian Sports Commission | Oslo Metropolitan University |
Sydney, NSW | Canberra, ACT | Oslo |
Australia | Australia | Norway |
Elizabeth J. Campbell, BSc | Mariana Chilton, PhD, MPH | Stephen Colagiuri, MBBS, FRACP |
EAS Consulting Group | Drexel University | University of Sydney |
Alexandria, VA | Philadelphia, PA | Sydney, NSW |
United States | United States | Australia |
Charlene Compher, PhD, RD | Jeanne H.M. de Vries, PhD | Adam Drewnowski, PhD |
University of Pennsylvania | Wageningen University | University of Washington Center for Public Health Nutrition |
Philadelphia, PA | Wageningen | Seattle, WA |
United States | Netherlands | United States |
Johanna T. Dwyer, DSc, RD | Rebecca Egdorf, MS, RD | Ibrahim Elmadfa, PhD |
National Institutes of Health, Office of the Dietary Supplements | University of Texas Tyler | University of Vienna |
Bethesda, MD | Tyler, TX | Vienna |
United States | United States | Austria |
Wafaie Fawzi, Dphil, MBBS, MPH, MS | Hilda Fernandez, MD | Jimi Francis, PhD, RDN, IBCLC |
Harvard University | New York Presbeterian Hospital | University of Texas Tyler |
Cambridge, MA | New York, NY | Tyler, TX |
United States | United States | United States |
Karl E. Friedl, PhD | Stephanie P. Gilley, MD, PhD | Vi Goh MD, MS |
University of California San Francisco | University of Colorado School of Medicine | Children's Hospital of Philadelphia |
San Francisco, CA | Denver, CO | Philadelphia, PA |
United States | United States | United States |
Weimin Guo, PhD | David B. Haytowitz, MSc | Sung Nim Han, PhD, RD |
JM USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University | USDA Agriculture Research Service (Retired) | Seoul National University |
Boston, MA | Silver Spring, MD | Seoul |
United States | United States | South Korea |
Kirsten A. Herrick, PhD, MSc | James E. Hoadley, PhD | Paul J.M. Hulshof, MSc |
National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute | EAS Consulting Group | Wageningen University |
Bethesda, MD | Alexandria, VA | Wageningen |
United States | United States | Netherlands |
Sharon Y. Irving, PhD, CRNP | Ellisiv Jacobsen, PhD, MPH | Namrata Jain, MD |
University of Pennsylvania | Akershus University College | Columbia University |
Philadelphia, PA | Oslo | New York, NY |
United States | Norway | United States |
Marie Johnson, MS, RD | Emily A. Johnston, MPH, RDN, CDE | Alexandra M. Johnstone, PhD |
Kaiser Permanente Northwest | Penn State University | The Rowett Institute, University of Aberdeen |
Portland, OR | University Park, PA | Aberdeen |
United States | United States | Scotland |
Sonya J. Jones, PhD | Irina Kirpich, PhD | Nancy F. Krebs, MD, MS |
Michigan State University | Alcohol Research Center, University of Louisville | University of Colorado School of Medicine |
East Lansing, MI | Louisville, KY | Denver, CO |
United States | United States | United States |
Penny M. Kris-Etherton, PhD, RDN | Ellisiv Laerum-Onsager, RN, PhD | Janine Lewis, BSc, Grad Dip Nut & Diet, Grad Dip Public Health |
Penn State College of Health and Human Development | Lovisenberg Diaconal University College | Food Standards Australia New Zealand |
University Park, PA | Oslo | Majura Park, ACT |
United States | Norway | Australia |
Karen Lindsay, PhD, RD | Asim Maqbool, MD | Melinda M. Manore, PhD, RD, FACSM |
University of California Irvine School of Medicine | Children's Hospital of Philadelphia | Oregon State University |
Orange, CA | Philadelphia, PA | Corvallis, OR |
United States | United States | United States |
Maria R. Mascarenhas, MBBS | Craig James McClain, MD | Liam McKeever, PhD |
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia | University of Louisville | University of Pennsylvania |
Philadelphia, PA | Louisville, KY | Philadelphia, PA |
United States | United States | United States |
Sarah McNaughton, PhD, FDAA | Simin Nikbin Meydani, DVM, PhD | Pablo Monsivais, PhD, MPH |
Deakin University | Jean Meyer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University | Washington State University |
Melbourne, VIC | Boston, MA | Pullman, WA |
Australia | United States | United States |
Laura M. Nance, MA, RDN | Carolyn Newberry, MD | Tom Nickolas, MD, MS |
Medical University of South Carolina Friedman Center for Eating Disorders | Cornell University | Columbia University Irving Medical Center |
Charleston, SC | Ithaca, NY | New York, NY |
United States | United States | United States |
Marga C. Ocké, PhD | Cynthia L. Ogden, PhD | Elizabeth Prout Parks, MD, MSCE |
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment | Centers for Disease Control National Center for Health Statistics | Children's Hospital of Philadelphia |
Bilthoven | Hyattsville, MD | Philadelphia, PA |
Netherlands | United States | United States |
Pamela R. Pehrsson, PhD | Kristina S. Petersen, PhD | Robert C. Post, PhD, MEd, MSc |
USDA Agriculture Research Service, Methods and Application of Food Composition Laboratory | Penn State University | EAS Consulting Group |
Washington, DC | University Park, PA | Alexandria, VA |
United States | United States | United States |
Renee Rienecke, PhD, FAED | Terrence M. Riley, BSc | Rene Rizzoli, MD |
Eating Recovery Center/Insight Behavioral Health Centers, Northwestern University | Penn State University | Geneva University Hospitals and Faculty of Medicine |
Chicago, IL 60601 | University Park, PA | Geneva |
United States | United States | Switzerland |
Donna Ryan, MD | Sarah Safadi, MD | Thomas Sanders, DSc |
Pennington Biomedical Research Center | Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, Department of Medicine, University of Louisville | King's College London |
Baton Rouge, LA | Louisville, KY | London |
United States | United States | United Kingdom |
Philip A. Sapp, MS | David D. Schnakenberg, PhD | Laura Smart, MD |
Penn State University | Historian of Military Nutrition Science | Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, Department of Medicine, University of Louisville |
University Park, PA | Vienna, VA | Louisville, KY |
United States | United States | United States |
Juquan Song, MD | Vijay Srinivasan, MBBS, MD | Sylvia Stephen, MSc |
University of Texas Medical Branch Dallas | University of Pennsylvania | The Rowett Institute, University of Aberdeen |
Dallas, TX | Philadelphia, PA | Aberdeen |
United States | United States | Scotland |
Valerie K. Sullivan, RDN | Paolo M. Suter, MD, MS | Steve L. Taylor, PhD |
Penn State University | University Hospital Zurich, Clinic and Policlinic of Internal Medicine | University of Nebraska Lincoln |
University Park, PA | Zurich | Lincoln, NE |
United States | Switzerland | United States |
Alyssa M. Tindall, PhD, RDN | Katherine L. Tucker, PhD | Kimberly K. Vesco, MD, MPH |
Penn State College of Health and Human Development | University of Massachusetts Lowell | Kaiser Permanente Northwest |
University Park, PA | Lowell, MA | Portland, OR |
United States | United States | United States |
Charles E. Wade, PhD | Elizabeth M. Wallis, MD, MS | Steven E. Wolf, MD |
McGovern School of Medicine, The University of Texas, Houston | Medical University of South Carolina | University of Texas Medical Branch |
Houston, TX | Charleston, SC | Galveston, TX |
United States | United States | United States |
Dayong Wu, MD, PhD | Vivian M. Zhao, PharmD | Thomas R. Ziegler, MD |
JM USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University | Nutrition and Metabolic Support Service, Emory University Hospital | Emory University School of Medicine |
Boston, MA | Atlanta, GA | Atlanta, GA |
United States | United States | United States |